GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL is hiring an Associate Professor to teach Fundamentals of Lawyering.
The George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C. anticipates hiring one professor to teach in its Fundamentals of Lawyering Program (FLP) for a three-year renewable contract term. The position is a non-tenure track, specialized appointment that would begin in Summer 2024.
Launched in 2019, the FLP deploys a six-credit, two-semester Fundamentals of Lawyering (FL) course (3 credits per semester). FL provides first-year law students with a strong foundation in legal writing and analysis, research, citation, and problem-solving in a variety of lawyering contexts. The course curriculum is designed to assist with students’ professional identity formation and introduces students to a range of lawyering skills including client interviewing and counseling, fact development, and negotiation. Each FL class will be supported by at least one teaching assistant, an upper-level student who will receive some formal programmatic training and work closely with their professor to assist with a range of tasks. In addition to teaching their courses, FL faculty are expected to serve as advisors in GW's award-winning Inns of Court program and to attend and facilitate Inns of Court Programming. FL faculty are also expected to attend departmental meetings and assist with problem development, creating research exercises, developing and sharing lesson plans and exercises, hiring teaching assistants, and other tasks related to the administration of the FL program. This three-year renewable appointment requires work during the summer months to develop problems and curricular innovations for the upcoming academic year.
Job Qualifications: Applicants must possess an American Bar Association-accredited J.D. degree or an equivalent degree and have relevant experience. Applicants must have an outstanding academic record, excellent legal research and writing skills, and demonstrated interest in teaching in a new and innovative program that combines traditional writing and research instruction with training in problem-solving and professional identity formation. Applicants must also have two or more years of experience in a clerkship and/or in law practice and at least one year of teaching experience.
Application Procedure: To apply, please complete an online application at and submit cover letter, curriculum vitae, and list of references. Cover letters should not only summarize your qualifications but should address your specific interest in teaching in the FLP, including any relevant interest in and/or experience teaching the broad range of lawyering skills that are a central part of the curriculum. Review of applications will begin on August 25, 2023 and continue until the positions are filled. Only complete applications submitted via GW’s online system will be considered. Please email any questions to
The University and Law School have a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from members of underrepresented groups and strongly encourage women, persons of color, and LGBTQ candidates to apply for these positions. The University is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer that does not unlawfully discriminate in any of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or on any other basis prohibited by applicable law. Employment offers are contingent on the satisfactory outcome of a standard background screening.
LWI/ALWD Required Disclosures
1. The position advertised:
___ a. is a tenure-track appointment.
____ b. may lead to successive long-term contracts of five or more years.
_X_ c. may lead only to successive short-term contracts of one to four years [three years].
___ d. has an upper limit on the number of years a teacher may be appointed.
___ e. is part of a fellowship program for one or two years.
___ f. is a part-time appointment, or a year-to-year adjunct appointment.
Additional information about job security or terms of employment, any applicable term limits, and whether the position complies with ABA Standard 405(c).
The position is for a three-year term, which is renewable. At the first renewal period, a full reappointment process must be undertaken. At the second renewal period (i.e., after six years), a full reappointment process must be undertaken, but there will be a presumption of renewal. At the third renewal period (i.e., after nine years), the position will become automatically renewable. The position requires teaching and committee service but does not require the production of scholarship.
2. The professor hired:
_X_ a. will be permitted to vote in faculty meetings [on non-personnel matters].
___ b. will not be permitted to vote in faculty meetings.
3. The school anticipates paying an annual academic year base salary in the range(s) checked below.
_X_ $120,000 and over
_X_ $110,000 - $119,999
___ $100,000 - $109,999
___ $90,000 - $99,999
___ $80,000 - $89,999
___ $70,000 - $79,999
___ $60,000 - $69,999
___ $50,000 - $59,999
___ less than $50,000
___ this is a part-time appointment paying less than $30,000
___ this is an adjunct appointment paying less than $10,000
Additional information about base salary or other compensation:
Scholarship is not required for this position, but if the faculty member wishes to produce scholarship, the faculty member will be eligible to apply for a research stipend and will have access to paid research assistants.
4. The number of students enrolled in each semester of the courses taught by the legal research & writing professor will be:
___ a. 30 or fewer
___ b. 31 - 35
_X_ c. 36 - 40 [While the current 40-student cap is not guaranteed, there is a goal to keep
student load below 40]
___ d. 41 - 45
___ e. 46 - 50
___ f. 51 - 55
___ g. 56 - 60
___ h. more than 60